The Chosen One: 2023 Treasure Hill Light Festival, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei
「本日運勢」——與編劇吳明倫合作,2023 寶藏巖光節「天選之人」,台北寶藏巖國際藝術村

"Today's Fortune", in collaboration with playwright Ming-lun Wu who provided the storyline

The exhibition adopts the template of the "hero's journey," with twelve artists contributing to form a somewhat cohesive storyline.
與編劇吳明倫合作,創作作品「本日運勢」。 此一聯展採用戲劇公式「英雄旅程」的12 階段結構,以特定參觀順序串連12 個獨立作品,接力演繹「天選之人」的運途。

中文報導 info

Ichia Wu, Today's Fortune, in collaboration with Ming-lun Wu